Monday, September 15, 2008

One to One

After listening to the One to One video I have a better outlook on giving students personal laptops. I wouldn't hesitate giving my students much needed technology. I believe the students for the most part will take care of their computers. If any type of problem were to show itself (and I'm sure it will!) the administrator and/or site-tech. will be able to fix the problem. The students will ultimately benefit from the experience as a whole. Those students lucky enough to have a computer will get up-to-date information from around the world at their fingertips. They will become better typist, readers and have a better technological literacy. I think that the teachers will also benefit from the new technology and programs that students will be able to work with. Teacher training is a must. Teachers also need to feel good and confident about what they are doing and the information they are conveying to their students. All in all i think this is a great program for both the students and their educators.

1 comment:

skipvia said...

I agree that teacher training is critical, and that goes along with your earlier observation about an administrator or on-site tech providing support. Two of the teachers in the video mention how important having responsive tech support is for the success of the program. Those things don't happen automatically--they have to be planned well and also funded. Leaving teacher training and tech support out, however, will cause many problems and inhibit the potential success of the program.